Three Kingdoms Quiz Daily Question

The answer from daily quiz :
(Below are daily quiz and the answer in a green font, for easy used CTRL+F from your browser)

1. Which of the following description of annexe is incorrect:

  • A city can't have an annexe and a mansion at the same time.
  • You can recruit Lobbyist from the annexe.
  • You can recruit pioneer from the annexe.
  • A city with an annexe must be the sub city.
  • 2. Which of the following description of Armorsmith is incorrect:

  • If you remove your Armorsmith, the units whose defense has already been increased will not decrease.
  • When you upgrade the defense of your army, your armies that is not in the city will not be affected.
  • Armorsmith is the construction to increase the defense of your unit.
  • You have to train a particular unit in the Drill Ground first then upgrade its defense in the Armorsmith.
  • 3. Which of the following description of barrack is incorrect:

  • When your barrack is upgraded, it will take you less time to train a unit.
  • You have to research a particular unit in the Drill Ground first before recruiting the unit from the barrack.
  • You can train infantry and cavalry in the barrack.
  • You can only train infantry in the barrack.
  • 4. Which of the following description of Builder's Guild is incorrect:

  • Builder's Guild can't increase the construction speed of a building.
  • The higher level your Builder's Guild is, the faster your construction speed will be.
  • 199
  • 200
  • 5. Which of the following description of bunker is incorrect:

  • Bunker is used for protecting your soldier.
  • Bunker is used for protecting your soldier.
  • Bunker is used for protecting your soldier.
  • You can put your Demolisher in the bunker.
  • 6. Which of the following description of Career Center is incorrect:

  • You can't occupy an oasis if you don't have a Career Center.
  • If you don't have a Career Center in your city, you cannot have a hero.
  • You can recruit heroes by "Hiring" and "Headhunting".
  • Historical hero may come to your city.
  • 7. Which of the following description of Career Center is correct:

  • On each day, two new heroes will appear in your Career Center.
  • Build more Career Centers, more heroes will appear in the Career Center.
  • On each day, four new heroes will appear in your Career Center.
  • Career Center will produce some contribution to the court on each day.
  • 8. Which of the following description of Command Centers is incorrect:

  • You can't carry out a military action without the Command Centers
  • Command Center is the place to train your army.
  • After you activate the stealth transport function, the newly recruited soldiers will move to the appointed city automatically.
  • You can check the experience of your hero.
  • 9. Which of the following description of Drill Ground is incorrect:

  • You can train more units as the level of your Drill Ground increases.
  • If you remove your Drill Ground, the population of your city will decrease.
  • All your cities can share one Drill Ground.
  • You can't build a stable if you don't have a Drill Ground.
  • 10. Which of the following description of Governor's House is incorrect:

  • You can appoint a governor of the city, providing relif and imposing a curfew in the city.
  • You can recruit Lobbyists from the Governor's House.
  • You can tax the civilians in the Governor's House, but civilian's loyalty will decrease.
  • You can meet with your hero in the Governor's House.
  • 11. Which of the following description of Hidden Warehouse is incorrect:

  • Hidden Warehouse is immune to Battering Ram.
  • The storage volume of Wu's Hidden Warehouse is twice as many as the other 2 countries.
  • If you are attacked by players of Shu, the effect of your Hidden Warehouse will decrease by 1/3
  • The same as granary, Hidden Warehouse can increase the grain storage volume of your city.
  • 12. Which of the following description of Hidden Warehouse is incorrect:

  • Hidden Warehouse is immune to the Demolisher.
  • Hidden Warehouse can effectively protect your resources from being looted by enemy.
  • You can build many Hidden Warehouses in a city.
  • The effect of the Hidden Warehouse can overlap.
  • 13. Which of the following description of Ironworks is incorrect:

  • You can produce devices here such as Battering Ram and Demolisher.
  • Battering Ram can only attack the city wall.
  • The higher level your Ironworks is, the less time it will take to recruit a Battering Ram or Demolisher.
  • Demolisher can attack all constructions.
  • 14. Which of the following description of League Flag is incorrect:

  • League Flag will attract enemy to attack it.
  • When the League Flag reaches the maximum level, your league can compete for the dominance of an 7*7 area.
  • You can only have one League Flag in a city.
  • Leader of league has the right to move a city in his sphere of influence.
  • 15. Which of the following description of library is incorrect:

  • You can research on increasing the merchant loading in the library.
  • Wu Country can research on traffic boat.
  • Shu Country can research on traffic vehicle.
  • Wei Country can't carry out researches in library.
  • 16. Which of the following description of mansion is incorrect:

  • Mansion ans annexe is the same in the factor of function.
  • Only the city with the mansion can occupy 3 oases.
  • If you remove the mansion in a city and move it to another city, the level of your resource fields in your city may reduce because of the resource field level cap of mansion and annexe.
  • You can't use "Instant Completion" function when building mansion and annexe.
  • 17. Which of the following description of mansion is incorrect:

  • You can build an annexe and a mansion in a city.
  • The city where the mansion locates is the main city.
  • You can recruit politician from the mansion.
  • You can recruit pioneer from the mansion.
  • 18. Which of the following description of market is incorrect:

  • The higher level your market is, the more resources you can transport.
  • You have to build a market first to transport resources to other cities.
  • Their is no pre-requirement for building a market.
  • Mystery merchant don't sell weapons and equipment.
  • 19. Which of the following description of Monitor Office is incorrect:

  • Monitor Office will increase the quality of your construction.
  • The higher level your Builder's Guild is, the faster your construction speed will be.
  • The higher level your Monitor Office is, the stronger your constructions will be.
  • The level of your construction will still decrease when attacked by Demolisher even if you have had a Monitor Office.
  • 20. Which type of oasis we don't have in game?

  • Increase the ouput of the wood by 25%.
  • Increase the ouput of the stone by 25%.
  • Increase the ouput of the grain by 50%.
  • Increase the ouput of the iron by 50%.
  • 21. Which of the following description of Scout Camp is incorrect:

  • Scouts will not fail to spy the enemy force.
  • The higher level your Scout Camp is, the less time it will take to recruit a scout.
  • Scout Camp is the place to train ranged attack units.
  • If you leave your scout in the city, you will have the effect of counterreconnaissance
  • 22. Which of the following description of stable is incorrect:

  • With the help of recruit assistant, you can recruit the most soldier amount.
  • The higher level your stable is, the less time it will take to recruit a cavalry.
  • The higher level your stable is, the less resources it will take to recruit a cavalry.
  • Each country has its own unique unit.
  • 23. Which of the following description of theatre is incorrect:

  • You can deposit resources to the theatre and hold celebration to increase the commercial value of your city.
  • All your cities can share one theatre.
  • The resources you deposited to the theatre can be withdrew if necessary.
  • Theatre can hold celebration to increase the commercial value of your city.
  • 24. Which of the following description of tower is incorrect:

  • If you want to upgrade your tower to level 15, you have to upgrade your city wall to level 15 first.
  • You can send your archers into the tower.
  • When your archers are in the tower, their attack equals to their defense.
  • Your reinforcement from other cities can go into tower too.
  • 25. Which of the following description of Valor Camp is incorrect:

  • To build a Valor Camp, you have to upgrade your Command Center and Drill Ground to level 20 first.
  • You can upgrade the speed of the unit in the Valor Camp.
  • When you are upgrading the speed of your unit, the unit that is not in your town can be upgraded to
  • The speed of the infantry hero and cavalry hero should be upgraded respectively.
  • 26. Which of the following description of wall is incorrect:

  • The city wall of Wei provides the best defense but it is easy to be destroyed.
  • The city wall of Shu provides the lowest defense but it is difficult to be destroyed.
  • The city wall of Wu has the balanced attribute.
  • All countrie's city walls are the same.
  • 27. Which of the following description of wall is incorrect:

  • You can setup rolling log and rolling stone on your city wall.
  • When your city wall is upgraded, you can setup more blindages on your city wall.
  • Traps will cause great casualty to enemy infantries.
  • Traps will cause great casualty to enemy cavalry.

    1. What does alliance mean in game?

  • Two leagues who are at war with each other.
  • Two players in the same league.
  • Two leauges at war.
  • Two leagues ally with each other.
  • 2. What is called "Assisting Defense" in game?

  • Defend a city together with your alliance.
  • Holding tight in defence a city
  • Use the attacker to defense a city.
  • All the army in the city stay in the city.
  • 3. Players often mention Audi when they are chatting. What does Audi stand for in this case?

  • Attack the enemy city but get no resources.
  • Battering Ram
  • Demolisher
  • The amount of resources you gain by attacking a city is less the the amount of resources you spend to attack it.
  • 4. What is called "Black Lamp" in game?

  • Server maintenance.
  • Inactive players who do not log in the game for more than 5 days.
  • Banned players.
  • Players without a league.
  • 5. Which situation is usually called "Calm" by players?

  • Intermarriage between league and league.
  • An area where fierce battles do not occur for a long time.
  • Players who live by looting other cities.
  • Players who prefer solo.
  • 6. Which kind of players is called Dead Sheep in game?

  • Players with good bearing.
  • Players who do not have the ability to strike back when attacked.
  • Inactive player.
  • A city that is attacked by many player at the same time.
  • 7. What is called "Defense Break"?

  • A city without army.
  • Send the attacker out of your city when enemy attacks your city.
  • All the defense force are eliminated by the attacker of the invading side.
  • Defend a city together with your alliance.
  • 8. What is called "Double Strike" in game?

  • Attck two cities at the same time.
  • Two players attack the same city at the same time.
  • Two players attack each other.
  • Command the Demolishers to attack 2 targets at the same time in the Command Center.
  • 9. What is called "Entrust" in game?

  • Players without a league.
  • Players who play the game in a cyber cafe.
  • A function in game that allow you to entrust a player or help the other player to administrater the account.
  • A function in game. You entrust your account to the system.
  • 10. What does "Even up" stand for in game?

  • All your resources have been looted by your enemy.
  • All your resource fileds have reached the max level.
  • Trade with the mystery merchant in the market and swap a resource for the resources you need.
  • Your warehouse and granary is full of resources.
  • 11. What activity is called farming in game?

  • Collecting resources for a long time.
  • Looting the resource from other city.
  • Players with many cities.
  • Players with many accounts.
  • 12. Players usually describe a kind of Battale as "Fireworks", what is that?

  • Battles that take place in holidays.
  • You just occupy a city but lose it at once. Just like firework disappear in a blink of an eye.
  • A nip and tuck battle. Both sides will not retreat until they fight to death. The fighting is so tough and beautiful, just like fireworks.
  • The battle between two close cities. The turn of defense and attack happens very quickly, just like firework disappear in a blink of an eye.
  • 13. What is called "Flying City"?

  • A sub city that provides resource to your main city.
  • Two cities which are far from each other.
  • The action that use special item to move your city to the other place.
  • The first sub city of a player.
  • 14. What does "FS" stand for in game?

  • The abbreviation for "For sale", which means what items are available in the Mall.
  • The abbreviation for "Full Speed.", which stands for the army march at full speed.
  • The abbrevation for "fans".
  • Abbreviation for "Fleetsave". Send your attacker out of your town when you are offline to avoid enemy sneak attack.
  • 15. What is called "Instant Building" in game?

  • The level of your construction is low so you can complete it in a short time.
  • Use "Instant Completion" function to build a construction in an incredible speed.
  • It takes a long time to build the construction and it will be completed in some seconds.
  • Continuously upgrade a single construction.
  • 16. Which of the following description of mobilization order is incorrect?

  • Increase the member max limit of your league.
  • The player who donate a "Mobilization Order" will become a core member of the league.
  • Only the leader of a league can use the mobilization order
  • A core member can't be kicked out of the league within 2 weeks.
  • 17. Which kind of players is called Peasant in game?

  • Players with lots of resources.
  • Players of Shu country.
  • Players with extremely high grain output.
  • Players who can defend themselves and concentrate on collecting resources.
  • 18. Which activity is called "plunder" in game?

  • A strategy that base on looting the resources in other player's city.
  • Occupy the oasis.
  • Attack the camp.
  • Players with the historical hero attacks the other players.
  • 19. What does the productivity means?

  • The resources your army consume in an hour.
  • The new constructions appear in an hour.
  • The soldiers you recruit in an hour.
  • Your resources output in an hour.
  • 20. What is called "Pursue and Attack" in game?

  • Arrive at the enemy city and attack it when enemy attacker just returns to the city.
  • A group of army that arrive at the target in some consecutive seconds.
  • When enemy army come in different waves, you precisely choose defend or avoid enemy attack.
  • The attacker who will arrive at the target in a few seconds.
  • 21. What is a satellite city?

  • A sub city that provide resource to your main city.
  • Two cities which are far from each other.
  • The action that use special item to move your city to the other place.
  • The first sub city of a player.
  • 22. Which kind of player is called "Sheep"?

  • Players with good bearing.
  • Players who do not have the ability to strike back when attacked.
  • Inactive player.
  • A city that is attack by many player at the same time.
  • 23. What is "Tortoise Player" in game?

  • Players who do not have the ability to strike back when attacked.
  • Players who retreat all his army out of the city when attaked.
  • Players with extremely high defense.
  • Players who never be attacked.
  • 24. What does "Universal X" (X is a number) stand for in game?

  • All your resource fields have reached to the same level.
  • The number of your sub cities.
  • Your total city number.
  • The number of soldiers in your city.
  • 25. What is called "Warehouse Explosion"?

  • All your rescources are looted by your enemy.
  • All your resource fileds have reached the max level.
  • Trade with the mystery merchant in the market and swap a resource for the resources you need.
  • Your warehouse and granary is full of resources.
  • 26. What is called "Wave Attack" in game?

  • Attck the enemy city when enemy attacker just returns to the city.
  • A group of army that will arrive at the target in some consecutive seconds like waves.
  • When enemy army come in different waves, you precisely choose defend or avoid enemy attack.
  • The attacker who will arrive at the target in a few seconds.
  • 27. Which kind of players is called Wolf in game?

  • Players who live by looting other cities.
  • Players with bad bearing.
  • Players who like to sneak attack other players.
  • Players who like to work together to attack other player.

    1. What kind of item your hero can't equip?

  • The Art of War
  • Tales of Mountain and Sea
  • Strategies of the Warring States
  • Pearl
  • 2. Which of the following description of hero is correct:

  • Hero's strength affects your units' success rate to use scrolls.
  • Hero's leadership affects your units' success rate to use scrolls.
  • Hero's intellect affects your units' success rate to use scrolls.
  • Hero's political affects your units' success rate to use scrolls.
  • 3. Which of the following description of hero is correct:

  • Hero is appointed as the governor, his strength affects the resources output of your city.
  • Hero is appointed as the governor, his leadership affects the resources output of your city.
  • Hero is appointed as the governor, his intellect affects the resources output of your city.
  • Hero is appointed as the governor, his political affects the resources output of your city.
  • 4. Which of the following description of hero is correct:

  • Hero's strength affects the attack of your units.
  • Hero's leadership affects the attack of your units.
  • Hero's intellect affects the attack of your units.
  • Hero's Political affects the attack of your units.
  • 5. Which hero's attribute will affect the attack and defense of your army?

  • Strength
  • Leadership
  • Political
  • Intellect
  • 6. Which of the following description on hero position is incorrect?

  • Clerk A Intellect +1
  • Clerk B Political +1
  • Privat A Attack +1%
  • Private B Defense +1%
  • 7. In which condition your hero's HP cannot be restored?

  • When your hero stays in town.
  • Miraculous Cure
  • Pray
  • Instant Recall
  • 8. Which of the following description on historical hero is incorrect?

  • Historical hero can't obtain experience.
  • Historical hero can learn a skill.
  • All historical hero's level is level 100.
  • The strength of the historical heroes is always higher than normal heroes.
  • 9. In which of the following way can't you obtain a historical hero?

  • Attck the the city where historical hero will appear.
  • Attack oasis.
  • Headhunting
  • Visiting
  • 10. Which of the following description of hero experience is incorrect:

  • Your hero will obtain experience by attacking the camp of banditis.
  • Your hero will obtain experience by attacking the oasis.
  • If your hero is defeated, he will not obtain experience from this fight.
  • Your hero's experience will not increase.
  • 11. Which of the following description of hero escaping is incorrect?

  • Hero may escape when attacking the camp.
  • Hero will never escape.
  • You can call back the heroes on exile.
  • If your hero escapes, his item may lose.
  • 12. Which unit has the fastest speed?

  • Militia
  • Woman Cavalry
  • Cavalary Archer
  • Qing Zhou Cavalry
  • 13. Which of the following is not an equipemnt for heroes?

  • Long Heavenly Double Lance
  • Long Serpent Spear
  • Tribution Token
  • Sword of Stars
  • 14. Which unit costs you less resources?

  • Militia
  • Woman Cavalry
  • Qing Zhou Cavalry
  • Spearman

    1. Why your population doesn't reduce after you are looted by others?

  • Enemy is good.
  • Today is the Peace Day.
  • You have a good luck.
  • You enemy doesn't use Battering Ram and Demolisher.
  • 2. Which of the following action will not increase the output of your resources?

  • Upgrade resource field.
  • Appoint a governor
  • Equip a Note of Technic to your governor.
  • Upgrade city wall.
  • 3. Will a battle occur when the server is under maintenance?

  • No.
  • Yes.
  • 4. Which of the following ways to transport resources is incorrect?

  • Click enemy city and then select "Transport Resources".
  • Select "Transport Resources" in the stable.
  • Enter the city name or coordination and then select "Transport".
  • Click "Transport" in overview.
  • 5. Which of the following you can't get by attacking camp of banditis?

  • Da-Yuan Horse
  • Scroll [Fire Arrow]
  • Tales of Mountain and Sea
  • Tax Permission
  • 6. Which of the following description of the game rule is incorrect?

  • You can provide or receive 3 hour's resources output from other players in 24 hours.
  • You can entrust other player to administer your account.
  • When you are reinforcing another city, you can bring the grain that your unit is going to consume in 24 hours to the city you are reinforcing.
  • When you swap your resources with other players, you don't have to abide to the 1:1 exchange rate.
  • 7. Which of the following description of the game rule is correct?

  • You can entrust your account to three players at the same time.
  • The real cash trade is allowed.
  • Account sharing is allowed.
  • All the descriptions are false.
  • 8. Which of the following description of resources is incorrect:

  • There are 4 kinds of resources: Wood, Stone, Iron and Grain.
  • You can upgrade your resource fields to increase your resource output.
  • Warehouse is used for store all resources.
  • Granary is used for storing grain while other resources are stored in the warehouse.
  • 9. Which item is not soled in the mal

  • Skill Book
  • Quest Item
  • Hero Equipment
  • Items
  • 10. Which of the following description on message is incorrect?

  • Click the letter icon behind the player name to send him a message.
  • Click the "Reply" button to reply the message you receive.
  • You can directly reply a system message.
  • 53
  • 11. Your word will be seen by all players if you speak in which channel?

  • League
  • World
  • Private
  • System
  • 12. Which of the following constructions can be shared by your different cities?

  • Theatre
  • Drill Ground
  • City Wall
  • Builder's Guild
  • 13. What does rice represent in game?

  • The hourly grain output.
  • The total grain amount in your city.
  • The population your arm forces take. It is also a symbol of the power of your force.
  • Grain
  • 14. How to caculate the speed of the mixed force?

  • The speed of the mixed force is the same as the unit with the fastest speed in your mixed force.
  • On anverage.
  • The same as the speed of your hero.
  • The speed of the mixed force is the same as the unit with the slowest speed in your mixed force.
  • 15. Which of the following description on account entrust is incorrect?

  • You need the account and password of the player who entrust his account to you.
  • You need the entruster's invitation to administer his account.
  • You can switch to the entruster's account in your personal information page.
  • You can have two entrusted accounts.
  • 16. Which of the following description of game time is correct:

  • Game time is the same as your computer.
  • Game time will provide players a coordinated universal time for the player in game.
  • It is only a time in game. 1 minute equals to 2 minutes in the real life.
  • It is only a time in game. 1 minute equals to 0.5 minutes in the real life.
  • 17. Which type of city does not exist in game?

  • A city with 15 Farmlands
  • A city with 10 Farmlands
  • A city with 9 Farmlands
  • A city with 6 Farmlands
  • 18. What will happen when your grain is negative?

  • Your grain will increase automatically.
  • Your soldiers in the city will starve.
  • You can't build a construction.
  • There is no bad influence to you.
  • 19. Which country can develop the inner city and outer city at the same time?

  • Wei
  • Shu
  • Wu
  • All the anwers are correct.
  • 20. In which condition will you fail to establish a sub city?

  • When your commercial value has reached a certain amount.
  • When you have enough pioneers.
  • When your pioneer is in the bunker.
  • You choose a vacant field to establish a city.
  • 21. What city is your main city?

  • The city that belongs to the leader of a league only.
  • The city of the leader of a league.
  • A city with many resources field.
  • A city has a mansion.
  • 22. What we can't do in game?

  • Switch Server
  • Become the emperor
  • Entrust your account to other player.
  • Change your name displayed.
  • 23. Which of the following description of Token of Motivation is incorrect?

  • Increase the member max limit of your league.
  • The player who donate a "Token of Motivation" will become a core member of theleague.
  • Only the leader of a league can use the Token of Motivation
  • A core member can't be kicked out of the league within 2 weeks.

    1. How to recognize the cities of the members of the hostile league?

  • The city of the members of the hostile league is shown in red.
  • The city of the members of the hostile league is shown in orange.
  • The city of the members of the hostile league is shown in green.
  • The city of the members of the hostile league is shown in blue.
  • 2. How to recognize the cities of the members of the same league?

  • The city of the members of the same league is shown in red.
  • The city of the members of the same league is shown in orange.
  • The city of the members of the same league is shown in green.
  • The city of the members of the same league is shown in blue.
  • 3. How to recognize the cities of the members of the friendly league?

  • The city of the members of the friendly league is shown in red.
  • The city of the members of the friendly league is shown in orange.
  • The city of the members of the friendly league is shown in green.
  • The city of the members of the friendly league is shown in blue.
  • 4. How to recognize the cities of yuor own?

  • Your city is shown in red.
  • Your city is shown in orange.
  • Your city is shown in green.
  • Your city is shown in blue.
  • 5. Which state does not belong to Jian Ning?

  • Liang Zhou
  • Yong Zhou
  • Si Zhou
  • Bing Zhou
  • 6. Which state does not belong to the scope of Chai Sang?

  • Xu Zhou
  • Yang Zhou
  • Jing Zhou
  • Si Zhou
  • 7. Xiang Ping is not belong to the scope of which state in the city wall?

  • You Zhou
  • Yu Zhou
  • Qing Zhou
  • Jiao Zhou



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