What Every Internet Marketer Should Know on How to Make Money Online With Google AdSense

If you're not making money online from AdSense, you're doing it the wrong way. The common mistakes newbies made when they started out on AdSense is either they didn't do proper niche research, didn't setup their website properly, didn't have enough unique relevant content or didn't have enough quality traffic. After reading this article, you're on step ahead of the competition who knows next to nothing in making a good income from AdSense.

The first reason why you're not making money with AdSense is poor niche research. Some of the mistakes newbies made when doing niche research is that the often target too competitive niches, for example "credit card". Instead of aiming at the highly saturated niche, you should target the longer and more specific keywords (also known as the longtail keywords), for example "credit card application in San Fransisco". After doing niche research, you should start tweaking your website.

Another reason why you're only earning cents from AdSense is poor website setup. No, I'm not talking about your website design. It's actually far more simpler than that. To setup a perfect website, your website title should be targeting your main keyword, for example if you have site advertising your dog training school in Miami then it would make sense to set your title tag as "Miami Dog Training". The next thing you should after setting the title tag is to create enough relevant content for your site.

If you've been lurking long enough online then you should already heard the term "Quality Content Is King". This as matter of fact is true as search engines tends to rank sites with unique quality content higher. Uniqe means the content should be original and not should be taken from anywhere, but how do the search engines rates the quality of content? They do it by finding relevant keyword in the content, for example if your content is about dog, rather than spamming the word dog, you could use puppies, pooch etc.

The final missing puzzle why you're not seeing good results in AdSense, is the lack of quality traffic. How do we define quality traffic? It's based on the intention of the visitors of your site. For example, a old lady looking a knitting pattern and found your knitting site through Google versus a teenager who's just browsing around your newly found website through her Stumbleupon toolbar, who do you think is the most qualified traffic among those two? In order for your site to receive more quality traffic, try doing more SEO work on your website.

This article has shown you what could be the missing element which is limiting your AdSense income. Whether it's the poor niche research, wrong website setup, lack of unique relevant content or little to nothing quality traffic. Now that you know what 90% of the internet marketer there don't, start building website and even more money from AdSense!


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