Windows keyboard shortcuts

Here is all shortcuts I've got :












(Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin)

CTRL while dragging an item

(Copy the selected item)

CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item

(Create a shortcut to the selected item)

F2 key

(Rename the selected item)


(Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word)


(Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word)


(Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph)


(Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph)

CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys

(Highlight a block of text)

SHIFT with any of the arrow keys

(Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document)


(Select all)

F3 key

(Search for a file or a folder)


(View the properties for the selected item)


(Close the active item, or quit the active program)


(Display the properties of the selected object)


(Open the shortcut menu for the active window)


(Close the active document in programs that enable you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)


(Switch between the open items)


(Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened)

F6 key

(Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop)

F4 key

(Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer)


(Display the shortcut menu for the selected item)


(Display the System menu for the active window)


(Display the Start menu)

ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name

(Display the corresponding menu)

Underlined letter in a command name

(Perform the corresponding command)

F10 key

(Activate the menu bar in the active program)


(Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu)


(Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu)

F5 key

(Update the active window)


(View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer)


(Cancel the current task)

SHIFT when you insert a CD-ROM

(Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing

Dialog Box Keyboard Shortcuts


(Move forward through the tabs)


(Move backward through the tabs)


(Move forward through the options)


(Move backward through the options)

ALT+Underlined letter

(Perform the corresponding command or select the corresponding option)


(Perform the command for the active option or button)


(Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box)

Arrow keys

(Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons)

F1 key

(Display Help)

F4 key

(Display the items in the active list)


(Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box)

Microsoft Natural Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows Logo

(Display or hide the Start menu)

Windows Logo+BREAK

(Display the System Properties dialog box)

Windows Logo+D

(Display the desktop)

Windows Logo+M

(Minimize all of the windows)

Windows Logo+SHIFT+M

(Restore the minimized windows)

Windows Logo+E

(Open My Computer)

Windows Logo+F

(Search for a file or a folder)

CTRL+Windows Logo+F

(Search for computers)

Windows Logo+F1

(Display Windows Help)

Windows Logo+ L

(Lock the keyboard)

Windows Logo+R

(Search for a file or a folder)

Windows Logo+U

(Open Utility Manager)

(Open Utility Manager)

Accessibility Keyboard Shortcuts

Right SHIFT for eight seconds

(Switch FilterKeys either on or off)


(Switch High Contrast either on or off)


(Switch the MouseKeys either on or off)

SHIFT five times

(Switch the StickyKeys either on or off)

NUM LOCK for five seconds

(Switch the ToggleKeys either on or off)

Windows Logo +U

(Open Utility Manager)

Windows Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts


(Display the bottom of the active window)


(Display the top of the active window)

NUM LOCK+Asterisk sign (*)

(Display all of the subfolders that are under the selected folder)

NUM LOCK+Plus sign (+)

(Display the contents of the selected folder)

NUM LOCK+Minus sign (-)

(Collapse the selected folder)


(Collapse the current selection if it is expanded, or select the parent folder)


(Display the current selection if it is collapsed, or select the first subfolder)

Shortcut Keys for Character Map

After you double-click a character on the grid of characters, you can move through the grid by using the keyboard shortcuts:


(Move to the right or to the beginning of the next line)


(Move to the left or to the end of the previous line)


(Move up one row)


(Move down one row)


(Move up one screen at a time)


(Move down one screen at a time)


(Move to the beginning of the line)


(Move to the end of the line)


(Move to the first character)


(Move to the last character)


(Switch between Enlarged and Normal mode when a character is selected)

Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Main Window Keyboard Shortcuts


(Open a saved console)


(Open a new console)


(Save the open console)


(Add or remove a console item)


(Open a new window)

F5 key

(Update the content of all console windows)


(Display the MMC window menu)


(Close the console)


(Display the Action menu)


(Display the View menu)


(Display the File menu)


(Display the Favorites menu)


(Print the current page or active pane)

ALT+Minus sign (-)

(Display the window menu for the active console window)


(Display the Action shortcut menu for the selected item)

F1 key

(Open the Help topic, if any, for the selected item)

F5 key

(Update the content of all console windows)


(Maximize the active console window)


(Restore the active console window)


(Display the Properties dialog box, if any, for the selected item)

F2 key

(Rename the selected item)


(Close the active console window. When a console has only one console window, this shortcut closes the console)

Remote Desktop Connection Navigation


(Open the m*cro$oft Windows NT Security dialog box)


(Switch between programs from left to right)


(Switch between programs from right to left)


(Cycle through the programs in most recently used order)


(Display the Start menu)


(Switch the client computer between a window and a full screen)


(Display the Windows menu)

CTRL+ALT+Minus sign (-)

(Place a snapshot of the active window in the client on the Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing PRINT SCREEN on a local computer.)

CTRL+ALT+Plus sign (+)

(Place a snapshot of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing ALT+PRINT SCREEN on a local computer.)

Microsoft Internet Explorer Navigation


(Open the Organize Favorites dialog box)


(Open the Search bar)


(Start the Find utility)


(Open the History bar)


(Open the Favorites bar)


(Open the Open dialog box)


(Start another instance of the browser with the same Web address)


(Open the Open dialog box, the same as CTRL+L)


(Open the Print dialog box)


(Update the current Web page)


(Close the current window)

Hope it's could be useful...

Fix Low Virtual Memory Error in Windows

Virtual Memory is used when all of your computer’s real physical memory (RAM) is in use and you don’t have any space left. Windows will try to create virtual memory by grabbing a chunk of hard drive space and treating it like real memory.

The software or anything using that space cannot differentiate between real memory and virtual but you can know because the accessing will be slower, as it requires the activity of the hard drive.

When you encounter this message it means that you have exceeded the amount of virtual memory which is allocated to your system. So what’s next? Probably you would like to eliminate non-essential programs, i.e remove any unnecessary files or reduce the start-up selections to free up some memory.

This will help your computer run faster and be more reliable. One more solution is to add more RAM to your system.

To see memory related details on your system, follow the steps mentioned below (works good for Windows XP):

1. Click Start, then open the Control Panel.

2. Click Performance and Maintenance, and then click System.

On the System Properties window, the type and speed of your processor (CPU) and the amount of RAM can be seen.

Note that Windows always seems to report that you have slightly less memory than you actually have.

For example, if Windows reports 496 MB of RAM, you actually have 512 MB.

(Memory will always be installed in 64 MB increments.)

Windows manages virtual memory by automatically shrinking or enlarging the paging file as needed so to configure just follow the below steps (Windows XP):

1. Click Start, then open the Control Panel.

2. Click Performance and Maintenance, and then click System.

3. Click the Advanced tab.

4. Under Performance, click Settings.

5. Click the Advanced tab.

6. Under Virtual memory, click Change.

7. Under Drive [Volume Label], click the drive that contains the paging file (virtual memory) settings that you want to change. In almost every case, this will be your C: drive.

8. Click to select the “System managed size” option, then click Set.

9. Click OK on the remaining tabs until they all close and finally restart your computer.

Windows XP shutdown faster

You can make your windows shutdown faster by doing this :

As always - backup your system before you start any of this. If you make a mistake you might need to restore from backup.

- First
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControl Set/Control.
Click on the "Control" Folder.
Select "WaitToKillServiceTimeout"
Double click on it and set a value lower than 1000.

- Second

Open Registry by going to START-RUN and typing REGEDIT. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\CONTROL PANEL\DESKTOP and look for AutoEndTasks. On my computer default value is 0. Change it to 1. Thats all. Further more you can reduce the time it takes for Windows to issue kill directive to all active/hung applications.

In doing this only constraint that you should make sure exists is that HungAppTimeout is greater than WaitToKillAppTimeout. Change the values of WaitToKillAppTimeout to say 3500 (since default value for HungAppTimeout 5000 and for WaitToKillAppTimeout is 20000)

- Third

Don't you hate waiting for those extra seconds and then simply responding yes to the windows query. Well you have a remedy. You can tell Windows XP to automatically close all non responding windows.

Open registry by going to START-RUN and entering regedit. Navigate to [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktopn] . In this look for value of "AutoEndTasks". If available, do one of the following:
If you want to enable automatic killing of non responding tasks, set its value to 1. to disable it set it back to 0.

Why windows takes so long to start up

Most of us have had a brand new computer at one time. It's a great feeling. You boot up windows and within 30 seconds you are surfing the net, checking your email, or playing your favorite game. 10 months down the road things aren't so nice anymore. You power up your computer and it seems to take forever to load.

Even when you are careful about what you install it seems that each day it takes longer for it to boot. It's not your imagination - and there are a couple of good tips to keep your boot time short and sweet.

As always - backup your system before you start any of this. If you make a mistake you might need to restore from backup.

1. The prefetch cache

The first tip I want to talk about is the windows prefetch. Windows XP has this feature that loads commonly used programs - at boot time.

Here is how it works: Yesterday you used MS Word, and Duke Nukem 3D. Today you boot your system to check e-mail. It sees parts of these two programs in the prefetch folder and loads them into memory before windows completes the boot process. The benefit is faster application launch times. If you really wanted to use MS Word, it would pop up really quick when you double clicked on it.

The problem is most people have been running windows for years, and the prefetch gets clogged with stuff that you almost never use. Windows takes forever to boot because it is prefetching a 1.0 copy of Napster, and you just want to check your email before you have to go to work.

What can be done about it? Well there are a few things we can do to tweak the prefetch cache. One method is to disable it partially, and this can be done quite easily.

Simply browse to the windows folder (Ex: C:\Windows) and under there you should see the prefetch folder. Go into the prefetch folder and delete all the files (Careful! It should look like this c:\windows\prefetch)

The first thing to note is the next reboot will be slow. This is because windows needs to relearn the prefetch for system files. Subsequent boots will run much faster since the sludge of programs has been removed, and only new ones are in the cache.

The trouble is that it will only help you for a while - until the prefetch gets clogged up again. We need to edit a registry key to tweak it. Open regedit and browse to this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters

Under this key you should see a value named: EnablePrefetcher

It has 4 possible values:

0 - Disabled : The prefetch system is turned off.

1 - Application : The prefetch only caches applications.

2 - Boot : The prefetch only caches boot system files.

3 - All : The prefetch caches boot, and application files.

We don't want to disable it entirely. This would actually make boot times *longer*. This is because this feature is also used to speed up the loading of boot files. That is why we are going to pick the number 2 option. It allows us to keep the advantage of caching system files, without continually clogging the system up with applications.

Set the value to 2 and reboot.

The 2nd time you boot it should boot much faster. Remember that the side effect is that launching individual applications once windows has loaded will now be slightly slower.

2. Hard drive fragmentation

Over time your hard drive will become fragmented. An over simplified explanation of fragmentation is when your files and folders are not all stored in the same spot. For example lets say you had a large movie file. If it were fragmented the first 5 megabytes are at the beginning of the hard drive, and then next 5 are at the end. It takes longer for windows to read the file than it would if it were all in the same spot. The point is that if each file is stored in a linear fashion, and the drive does not have to move all over the place to read it - it will load faster. XP has a built-in defrag tool, and it is simple to run. Open "My Computer" right click on the boot drive, and go to properties. Now click on the tools tab.

Click "Defragment Now"

Before you click on the "Defragment" button you want to close all applications and be aware that it might take hours to complete. If you leave something running it might keep windows from completing the defragment operation.

Click on the defragment button and you can walk away. Or you can watch it defrag your hard drive.

3. Disconnected network drives

I am using networked drives all the time. If you have ever put your machine on a network and connected to a shared drive, this can slow you down too. If you have a drive that is still mapped, but cannot be reached it will slow down windows during boot time. This is because windows will wait...wait...and wait some more for the remote server to respond. To clean these out open "My Computer" and go to the tools menu. Click on "Disconnect Network Drives".
Click on the drives you no longer need, and click OK.

4. Spyware & Adware

These can have a big impact on your start times. If your PC gets loaded with spyware, it spends a large portion of its boot time making sure those pesky programs are loaded and ready to throw popup adverts at you all day. To check and clean your system of spyware there are three free programs that I highly recommend:

1. Microsoft Windows Defender
2. Ad-Aware
3. SpyBot Search And destroy

5. File and Printer Sharing

One other item that can significantly impact is the "File and Printer Sharing" feature within windows. Obviously, if you are sharing your printer, or folders you don't want to disable this - so this tip is not for you. If you never use it, then why waste your time waiting for it to load?

Here is how to turn it off:
Go into the control panel. Click on "Network Connections"
Now right click on "Local Area Connection" and click on properties
Uncheck the "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks"

Click OK, and reboot.

That wraps up our windows startup optimization.

Boot Windows XP from a USB flash drive

Almost everyone who has worked with computers for any length of time at all has run into at least one situation in which a problem left a PC unbootable. What if you could return the machine to a bootable state just by inserting a USB flash drive though? Believe it or not, it is actually possible to install a bootable copy of Windows XP onto a flash drive and then boot a PC off of the flash drive. From there, you can use applications that you have installed on the flash drive (anti virus, anti spyware, disk repair, etc.) to fix the PC's problem.

As with most cool new techniques, there are a few catches. For starters, not every PC is capable of booting from a USB flash drive. For the most part, computers manufactured within the last two years are generally able to boot from a flash drive. Older systems may require a BIOS update, or might not be able to boot from a flash drive at all.

Another catch is that not every flash drive will get the job done. The primary factors that limit your use of a particular flash drive are capacity and speed. Technically, speed isn't really a limiting factor, but booting Windows will be painfully slow unless you use a flash drive that supports USB 2.0.

The flash drive's capacity is actually a limiting factor though. Surprisingly though, there are size limits on both the upper and lower end. Your flash drive can't be too large or too small. There isn't really a documented minimal size for a flash drive. You just need something large enough to hold Windows XP and a few applications. As you probably know, Windows XP normally consumes over a gigabyte of disk space. Later I will show you how to use a free utility to trim the excess fat off of Windows XP and make it a whole lot smaller. Even so, I still recommend that your flash drive be at least a minimum of 256 MB in size.

As I mentioned, there is a maximum size for the USB flash drive that you can use. Currently, USB flash drives exist in sizes of up to 4 GB, and 8 GB flash drives are expected to be available by the end of the year. As nice as it would be to have 8 GB to play with, the flash drive that you use for this project can be no larger than 2 GB. The reason for this is because you will have to format the flash drive using the FAT-16 file system, which has a 2 GB limit. Presently, you are stuck using FAT-16 because most computers will not recognize a flash drive as being bootable if the drive is formatted with anything other than FAT-16.

Preparing your Windows installation CD

One of the requirements for creating our bootable USB flash drive is a Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installation CD. If your Windows XP installation CD doesn't already include Service Pack 2, then you will have to make a CD that includes Service Pack 2 through a technique called slipstreaming.

Other requirements

In addition to your Windows XP installation CD, there are a couple of other things that you are going to need. For starters, you will need the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool. You can download this tool for free.

Another utility that you are going to need is Bart's Preinstalled Environment Bootable Live Windows CD / DVD, or BartPE for short. You can download this utility for free from the BartPE Web site.

In addition to the software requirements, you must verify that the PC that you will be using to create the Windows deployment has 1.5 GB of free hard disk space (minimum) and supports booting from a USB device. I also strongly recommend that the PC be running Windows XP Service Pack 2. Prior to Service Pack 2, Windows XP sometimes had trouble interacting with USB storage devices.

Formatting the flash drive

Now that you have all of the prerequisites taken care of, it's time to actually start setting up our flash drive. The first step in doing so, as strange as it sounds, is to format the flash drive. Windows will actually let you format a flash drive in the same way that you format a floppy disk. However, formatting a flash drive in this way will not work for this project. Furthermore, using Windows to format a flash drive directly has been known to destroy some types of flash drives.

Instead, you must format the flash drive by using the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool that you downloaded earlier. To do so, simply open the utility, select the device followed by the FAT file system option and click Start.

Once the device has been formatted, you must make it bootable. To do so, you must copy the BOOT.INI, NTLDR, and NTDETECT from the root directory of your PC's boot drive to the flash drive. These files are hidden by default, so you will either have to configure Windows Explorer to show hidden files (including protected operating system files) or you will have to open a Command Prompt window and use the COPY command to copy the files.

If you choose to use the Windows Explorer method, then open Internet Explorer and enter C: into the address bar so that you are looking at your local hard drive. Next, select the Folder Options command from the Tools menu. When the Folder Options properties sheet opens, select the View tab. Now, just select the Show Hidden Files and Folders and deselect the Hide Extensions for Known File Types and the Hide Protected Operating System Files check boxes. Click OK to continue.

Booting from the USB flash drive

Now that you have formatted your USB flash drive and installed the boot files onto it, the next thing that you must do is to configure your PC to allow you to boot from the flash drive. This is all done through the computer's BIOS Setup. I can't give you specific instructions for this part, because every computer is different. I can give you a few pointers though.

You can access your computer's BIOS by pressing a specific key immediately after you turn the PC on. The key varies, but it is usually either [F1], [F2], or [Delete]. Once you are in the BIOS Setup, you should verify that all of your computer's USB options are enabled. This might include things like support for legacy USB devices or support for USB 2.0. If there is a time out setting for USB devices, you should set it to the max to insure that the system doesn't time out while waiting on the USB device to boot.

Next, find the section on boot device priority. Normally, a USB flash drive (which is usually listed as USB-HDD, but may be listed as a removable device) will have a very low boot priority. If the USB flash drive's boot priority is lower than the hard disk (listed as HDD) then the only time the computer would ever boot off of the USB flash drive is if the system were to fail to boot from the hard disk. You must therefore rearrange the boot device priority so that the flash drive has a higher priority than the hard drive.

Configuring Windows

Now that we have finally made it through all of the prep work, it's time to start setting up Windows. As you have probably already guessed, the process of installing Windows to a flash drive is quite a bit different from your normal, run of the mill installation. There are a couple of reasons for this.

For starters, a full blown Windows XP deployment takes up over a Gigabyte of hard disk space. When you are installing to a flash drive, disk space is a scarce commodity. Even if you have over a Gigabyte of space on your flash drive, you probably don't want to use it all on Windows. It would be nice to have room to install a few applications. Therefore, you need to trim the excess fat off of Windows.

The other reason why the installation process is so different from the usual Windows installation is because Windows Setup is not designed to install Windows to a flash drive. You therefore have to configure Windows using an alternate method.

The PEBuilder utility that you downloaded earlier can take care of both of these issues. PEBuilder is designed to create a build of Windows XP (or Windows Server 2003) that does not take up as much space as a full blown installation. Once you create this new build, you can copy it to the flash drive. For right now, I will show you how to create a basic Windows build and copy it to the memory stick. Unfortunately, it's rather difficult to install applications once Windows is up and running. Therefore, after I show you how to create a basic Windows build, I will show you how to create a build that includes some applications.

Begin the process by opening PEBuilder. Simply enter the path to the Windows installation files (the ones from your Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installation CD). Next, verify that the Create ISO Image and the Burn to CD check boxes are not selected and then click the Build button. PEBuilder will now create the new Windows build.

Now, it's time to copy Windows to the flash drive. To do so, you will have to use a special batch file that's included with PEBuilder. Open a Command Prompt window and navigate to c:\pebuilder313\plugin\peinst. Now, insert an empty flash drive into the computer's USB port and then execute the file PEINST.CMD.

Type 1 and press [Enter] and you will be prompted to enter the path to the build that you have created. Enter C:\pebuilder313\BartPE. Now, type 2, press [Enter], and you will be prompted for the target path. Enter the drive letter that Windows has assigned to your USB flash drive. The menu now displays the source path and the destination drive. Type 5 and press [Enter] to install Windows to the flash drive.

Installing applications

Now that I have shown you how to create and install a basic Windows build, I want to talk for a moment about how you can add an application to the build (prior to creating it). The PEBuilder program comes pre-configured to support a number of common Windows applications, but does not come with the applications themselves.

The reason why installing applications can be a little bit tricky is because most Windows applications modify the Windows registry. The build that you are creating is basically a collection of installation files, and the build itself does not contain a registry (the registry gets created when Windows is installed onto the flash drive). As such, PEBuilder uses a sort of registry emulator.

If you go to the C:\PEBUILDER313\PLUGIN folder, you will see sub folders for a number of different applications. If you open one of these application folders, you will see that the folder contains an INF file and a FILES folder. The INF file contains all of the information that would normally go into the registry, and the FILES folder stores all of the program's files.

To see how this works, let's install an application that I'm sure most of you are familiar with; Nero. Begin by installing Nero onto the machine that's running PEBuilder, as if you planned to run Nero locally on that machine. When the installation completes, copy all of the files from C:\Program Files\ahead\Nero to C:\pebuilder313\plugin\nero burning rom\files. In this particular case, the nero burning rom folder is the folder that has been set aside for the Nero application. The Files sub folder is intended to store Nero's system files.

Now, you must take care of Nero's registry entries. To do so, go to the C:\pebuilder313\plugin\nero burning rom folder and open the PENERO.INF file using Notepad. As I explained earlier, the INF file in an application's folder is used to store the application's registry entries. For Nero and all of the other applications that PEBuilder predefines, the INF file is pre-configured. You just have to make a few changes that are specific to your system.

In this particular case, the PENERO.INF file is designed to support both Nero versions 5.x and 6.x. Initially, the lines for both versions are commented out. You must therefore determine which version you have and then remove the semi colon from the beginning of the lines that apply to that version.

Once you uncomment the appropriate lines, just replace "Your Name", "Your Company Name" and "Your Serial Number" with your name, your company's name, and your Nero product key. Save the file, and your set to go. The next time that you click the Build button, Nero will be included in the build.

Putting XP in your pocket

Running Windows from a flash drive isn't an exact science. Sometimes the process just doesn't work and there is no good reason why. As more PCs start to support booting from USB devices though, USB boots should become more standardized, and the technique should become more reliable.

How to Create a Password Reset Disk for computers that are part of a domain

Note that this procedure requires one blank, formatted floppy disk.
To create a password reset disk for your local user account:
  1. Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE. The Windows Security dialog box appears.
  2. Click Change Password . The Change Password dialog box appears.
  3. In the Log on to box, click the local computer. For example, click Computer (this computer) .
  4. Click Backup . The Forgotten Password Wizard starts.
  5. On the "Welcome to the Forgotten Password Wizard" page, click Next .
  6. Insert a blank, formatted disk in drive A, and then click Next .
  7. In the Current user account password box, type your password, and then click Next . The Forgotten Password Wizard creates the disk.
  8. When the progress bar reaches 100 percent complete, click Next , and then click Finish . The Forgotten Password Wizard quits and you return to the Change Password dialog box.
  9. Remove, and then label the password reset disk. Store the disk in a safe place.
  10. In the Change Password dialog box, click Cancel .
  11. In the Windows Security dialog box, click Cancel.
If you forget your password, you can log on to the computer with a new password that you create by using the Password Reset Wizard and your password reset disk.
To gain access to your local user account on a computer that is a member of a domain, or has been disconnected from a domain:
  1. In the Welcome to Windows dialog box, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE.
  2. In the Log On to Windows dialog box, type an incorrect password in the Password box, and then click OK .
  3. In the Logon Failed dialog box that appears, click Reset . The Password Reset Wizard starts. The Password Reset Wizard lets you create a new password for your local user account.
  4. On the "Welcome to the Password Reset Wizard" page, click Next .
  5. Insert the password reset disk in drive A, and then click Next .
  6. On the "Reset the User Account Password" page, type a new password in the Type a new password box.
  7. Type the same password in the Type the password again to confirm box.
  8. In the Type a new password hint box, type a hint that will help you remember the password if you forget it. NOTE : This hint is visible to anyone who attempts to log on to the computer by using your user account.
  9. Click Next , and then click Finish . The Password Reset Wizard quits and you return to the Log On to Windows dialog box. The password reset disk is automatically updated with the new password information. You do not have to create a new password reset disk.
  10. In the Log On to Windows dialog box, type your new password in the Password box.
  11. In the Log on to box, click the local computer. For example, click Computer (this computer) , and then click OK . You are logged on to the local computer with your local account information.

Create a Password Reset Disk

Microsoft has enhanced security features in XP including the the ability to create a floppy diskette to recover your password incase it is forgotten.
  • Click Start
  • Click Control Panel
  • Click User Accounts
  • Click on the account which you want to create a password disk
  • Click Prevent a forgotten password which starts the Forgotten Password Wizard . This is found under Related Tasks
  • Insert a blank, formatted disk into drive A, and click Next
  • Enter the password in the Current user account password box
To use the recovery disk, at the Welcome screen
  • Click the user name whose password is on the recovery disk
  • Click the question mark button
  • This causes the Did you forget your password message to appear.
  • Click use your password reset disk
  • This will start the Password Reset Wizard.
From this point, just follow the wizard's instructions and you will be able to set a new password. It is different if you are part of a domain, see next tip.

Increase your cable modem or DSL speed in XP

This tweak is for broad band cable connections on stand alone machines with winXP professional version - might work on Home version also. It will probably work with networked machines as well but I haven't tried it in that configuration. This is for windows XP only, it does not work on win2000.
I use 3 Com cards so I don't know how it works on others at this point. It does not involve editing the registry. This tweak assumes that you have let winXP create a connection on install for your cable modem/NIC combination and that your connection has tcp/ip - QoS - file and print sharing - and client for microsoft networks , only, installed. It also assumes that winxp will detect your NIC and has in-box drivers for it. If it doesn't do not try this.
In the "My Network Places" properties (right click on the desktop icon and choose properties), highlight the connection then at the menu bar choose "Advanced" then "Advanced Settings". Uncheck the two boxes in the lower half for the bindings for File and Printer sharing and Client for MS networks. Click OK
  1. From the windows XP cd in the support directory from the support cab, extract the file netcap.exe and place it in a directory on your hard drive or even in the root of your C:\ drive.
  2. next, open up a command prompt window and change directories to where you put netcap.exe. then type "netcap/?". It will list some commands that are available for netcap and a netmon driver will be installed. At the bottom you will see your adapters. You should see two of them if using a 3Com card. One will be for LAN and the other will be for WAN something or other.
  3. Next type "netcap/Remove". This will remove the netmon driver.
  4. Open up control panel / system / dev man and look at your network adapters. You should now see two of them and one will have a yellow ! on it. Right click on the one without the yellow ! and choose uninstall. YES! you are uninstalling your network adapter, continue with the uninstall. Do not restart yet.
  5. Check your connection properties to make sure that no connection exists. If you get a wizard just cancel out of it.
  6. Now re-start the machine.
  7. After re-start go to your connection properties again and you should have a new connection called "Local area connection 2". highlight the connection then at the menu bar choose "Advanced" then "Advanced Settings". Uncheck the two boxes in the lower half for the bindings for File and Printer sharing and Client for MS networks. Click OK.
  8. Choose connection properties and uncheck the "QOS" box
  9. Re-start the machine
  10. after restart enjoy the increased responsivness of IE, faster page loading, and a connection speed boost.
Why it works, it seems that windows XP, in its zeal to make sure every base is covered installs two seperate versions of the NIC card. One you do not normally see in any properties. Remember the "netcap/?" command above showing two different adapters? The LAN one is the one you see. The invisible one loads everything down and its like your running two separate cards together, sharing a connection among two cards, this method breaks this "bond" and allows the NIC to run un-hindered.

How to prevent Windows Messenger from running on a Windows XP-based computer

Windows Messenger 4.0 or later versions on a Windows XP Professional-based computer

Use the Group Policy (gpedit.msc) snap-in to turn on the Do not allow Windows Messenger to be run option.

  • To use the Group Policy snap-in, you must be logged on to the computer using an account that has administrator permissions.
  • This method prevents programs that use the Messenger APIs from using Windows Messenger. Microsoft Outlook 2002, Microsoft Outlook Express 6, and the Remote Assistance feature in Windows XP are examples of programs that use these APIs and that depend on Windows Messenger.

To turn on the Do not allow Windows Messenger to be run option, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start, click Run, type gpedit.msc, and then click OK.
  2. In Group Policy, expand Local Computer Policy, expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, expand Windows Components, and then expand Windows Messenger.
  3. Double-click Do not allow Windows Messenger to be run, and then click Enabled.
  4. Click OK.
  5. On the File menu, click Exit to quit the Group Policy snap-in.

Windows Messenger 4.0 on a Windows XP Home Edition-based computer

NOTE: This method does not prevent users from manually running Windows Messenger, but it does prevent Windows Messenger from running automatically every time that you start Windows.

Change the preferences in Windows Messenger. To do this, follow these steps.

  1. Start Windows Messenger.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Preferences tab.
  3. Click to clear the Run this program when Windows starts check box, and then click OK.
If you use Outlook Express or Outlook 2002, Windows Messenger may start automatically every time that you run Outlook Express or Outlook. To prevent Windows Messenger from starting automatically, follow these steps:

Outlook Express

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the General tab.
  2. Click to clear the Automatically log on to Windows Messenger check box, and then click OK.

Outlook 2002

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Other tab.
  2. Click to clear the Enable Instant Messaging in Microsoft Outlook check box, and then click OK.

Windows Messenger 4.5 or later versions on a Windows XP Home Edition-based computer or on a Windows XP Professional-based computer

Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
322756 ( ) How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

Note This method prevents programs that use the Messenger APIs from using Windows Messenger. Outlook 2002, Outlook Express 6, and the Remote Assistance feature in Windows XP are examples of programs that use these APIs and that depend on Windows Messenger.

  1. Start Registry Editor. To do this, click Start, click Run, type regedit.exe, and then click OK.

    If the following registry subkey already exists, go to step 6:

  2. Click the following registry subkey:
  3. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click Key. Type Messenger for the name of the new registry key, and then press ENTER.
  4. Click the following registry subkey: key:
  5. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click Key. Type Client for the name of the new registry key, and then press ENTER.
  6. Click the following registry subkey: key:
  7. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value. Type PreventRun for the name of the new DWORD value and then press ENTER.
  8. Right-click the PreventRun value that you created in step 7, and then click Modify. In theValue data box, type 1, and then click OK.
  9. Quit Registry Editor.

Can Anyone Make Money Using Google AdSense?

Website owners can use Google AdSense to advertise their site and make money. Anyone can make money-using AdSense by placing his or her product or service website advertisements there. When internet viewer clicks your link, you make money. It sounds simple enough. It is a straightforward economic model that can increase your earnings.

Anyone will find this beneficial when he or she follows the particular terms and conditions of using Google AdSense.

First, you must read, understand and agree to Google AdSense terms of service. This is the first step of joining the program and it offers a lot of potential for anyone. However, many individuals either seem to overlook the terms of service or forget the rules, which can cause problems. It is essential that you read, understand and then take proper advantage of the program as it is provided to you.

- Prohibited or Banned

If you are prohibited from using the site, you may never be able to restore your account. Google depends on the strength of their advertisers. They gather information about the advertising pages they feature and then use this information and then capitalize on the income that is generated by the campaigns that are placed on AdSense. They will teach you how to place your campaigns so that you can be successful.

- Website Contents

You will need to pay attention to the various issues concerning your website contents.

- Keywords

Google AdSense integrates various characteristics of advertisements, which are appropriate to the contents of your WebPages. If they are not able to determine the content topic of your page, you may end up with advertisements that do not relate to your topic at all or display various advertisements for public services that offer you no profits.

- Traffic Types

The type of traffic that you have will depend upon the content of your pages. You will need to generate a great deal of traffic on a daily basis in order to make money with AdSense. You can determine the amount of money that you make by clicking may be in cents rather than dollars if your traffic is small. You will begin to understand that more traffic means more money.

- Search Engine Traffic

Search engines look for your keywords, in order to make money you will need to use high quality keywords. This will make a big difference in the money you can make with AdSense. Search engine traffic is adaptable since an internet surfer will enter in the words that they are searching for and your site will show up on the ranks of the pages concerning the ranking on Google.

- Larger Websites

Understandably, larger websites tend to get more clicks on AdSense when you compare them with websites that feature only four or five pages. Therefore, it is imperative for you to choose the best keywords or keyword phrases that relate to your topic in order to compete with large websites by attracting new clients to your web pages. You need to find the best keywords to fit your website. Remember to maintain your website and keep the information you provide current and fresh, as this will also aid you in making money while using Google AdSense.

Get Rich Using Google AdSense - Tips to Make Money Online With AdSense

If you want to make a lot of money and possibly get rich then you may want to try Google AdSense. It allows you a way to build a website and put ads on your website to make money. The Internet has been around now for about 12 years and it used to be very difficult if you have a website to get ads placed on it. Now with a service like ad sense provided by Google it is very easy for you to make money with advertising. The best part about it is you do not have to go and find the advertisers yourself because Google already has them.

What happens is you place a small piece of code on your website and the ads will display on your site and will match your content. The great thing about this is for instance if you have a website about horses and all of the ads on your site will be horse ads. You will be able to make more money when the ads or related to the content that people are searching for. Many people have made millions of dollars because they have websites that generate customers and they have used accents to generate income. Make sure that you take advantage of this opportunity today.

Remember if you want to make a lot of money with your website one of the best ways to do that is use Google AdSense. More people are finding out that with placing ads on their websites they can generate a lot of income. The advantage to doing this is that you will increase your revenue and also have a website that is more about you to sell.

How AdSense Makes You Money

Most of Google's revenue is generated by selling Ad placements on their websites that come up in the search results. The program is called AdWords.

Where you come into the picture is by displaying these Advertiser Payed Ads on your Websites,Blogs in return for a portion of what Google makes.

What you are doing is helping Google Advertise in return for profit. Different Ads will generate different profit depending on what Google has been payed by the Advertiser.

If you have a website or Blog then why not try using AdSense to make money, it does not cost you a cent. Some people have earned thousands just by placing Google Ads on their Sites and Blogs. Even if you just made enough to cover the cost of operating your Website it would be nice, wouldn't it?

I've spoken to a lot of people about Google AdSense and some dismiss the idea before they even give it a try. Most people ask me what the catch is because it really sounds to good to be true.

AdSense is a program where everybody involved can benefit. Advertisers who pay for the Ad Placements can now gain mass exposure as more and more websites are displaying their ads ins ted of just Google alone. More sites advertising equals more traffic and that usually means more money in the end.

Most of the Advertisers are on a pay per click basis which means if somebody clicks on their Ad then Google gets Payed, You get Payed and the Advertiser gets exposure. Win,Win,Win!

When you think about it Google AdSense is one of the best thought out programs out there today.

What you make per click depends on what Google is getting payed by the Advertiser. You will receive a share of this amount and that can range from 1 cent to $20.00 or even more.

One thing you will find when you get deeper in to the AdSense Program is the higher paying keywords are usually very hard to compete with. You are playing in the big league when you take on some of these words.

It's best to pick average paying keywords but also keep in mind you don't want to be competing with millions of other websites trying to feed off the same table.

Google AdSense information is found all over the Internet, some good and others not so good. I suggest looking in to AdSense forums etc. What I do not suggest is paying for information on AdSense. You will find a lot of people trying to lead into different things. Right now a big deal is the program "site build it". Remember just like you these people are trying to make money also. Guaranteed anyone recommending site build it is an affiliate and they are being paid to direct you into purchasing the site build it program. Now I'm not knocking :site build it" it may make life easier for you working with AdSense but it is not mandatory.

Why I started using Google AdSense is to prove you still can make money without spending any. It's a little harder but not impossible.

Google AdSense is a great program and I recommend it to anybody. I've read some negative articles on people not being paid etc but have never experienced this myself.

If you want to make some money from home and be your own boss you should give Google AdSense a try, it may make you rich!

Start Making Easy Money Online

Making easy money online isn't a very difficult thing to do. There are many avenues one can pursue, from simply taking online surveys to selling stock photography on the Internet. One could also sell affiliate products, referrals and of course, adopt the most commonly used method - which is Google AdSense.

Tons of people blog these days, probably yourself as well. Now all you have to do to get started on your quest to make money online is simply to sign up for a Google AdSense account and post a snippet of code into your blog where you want the ads to appear. Yup, just like that! Simple right? Well, yes and no. Read on...

Yes, you can start making some money with Google AdSense this way, but you won't make very much to be honest. The first few dollars that start trickling in will no doubt get you excited. Over the course of the month it will slowly add up - giving you even more thrills. But soon you realize that you will need to be making a lot more than just a hundred dollars a month to consider yourself really making money online! So how do the professionals do it?

Real online entrepreneurs, people who make a living online, will tell you that it takes more than just having a blog or website and slapping some AdSense ads on it. They do tons of research, looking for niche topics and keywords, buying the right domain names and creating specific keyword-rich content that's specially just to make money. They will employ search engine optimization and other various tactics to gain optimum exposure and profits for their sites. Real online entrepreneurs don't just have 1 or 2 websites that generate income for them, they actually create hundreds or sometimes thousands of sites, each a passive income stream on their own.

Effective AdSense Money Making Tactics Without Spending a Dime!

If you are new to, or been around the world wide web then chances are you have heard of people making good money with AdSense. Using free tools anyone can achieve a healthy AdSense income, and if they multiply the methods by 100 then they will do very very well with AdSense earnings. Social media sites are the first free tools that I have come to mind, but there is so many of them out there how is anyone supposed to know which one returns the most AdSense earnings.

I think the top 5 are Facebook, MySpace, Reddit, Squidoo, and Twitter. I left Digg out here simply because they have lost the attention that they used to have, but don't get me wrong you can still drag in a great deal of traffic from posting digg articles that link back to your websites. Take a look one day when you have free time at Notice the categories up top near the address bar in your browser. There you want to make your decision on which category the niche, or website you have with AdSense, will fall under. Choose wisely because if you don't you may find that no traffic or attention is given to a stellar article you post. Before posting to reddit try and do some research for the particular categories you find yourself wanting to use. Then find what others are posting, find whats popular, and whats not popular.

Make a list of the sites that don't garner attention, by going to the reddit posts with little or no numbers next to the article titles. The links embedded in each title will bring you to the articles home page, and that's the website you want to put on your watch list as either being a good site to follow or a bad site. Do this for a few days, and then make your first post. If you are going to establish a good account on you have to startout with posting articles that go to a variety of websites. I would advise not using your own for the first couple of weeks. This will prevent you from being labeled a spammer.

After you master the use of to gain targeted traffic to your websites, try using like Squidoo for working on your long term search engine rankings. The whole idea behind building a high page rank, is having a hierarchy of websites, and I like blogs the most because the WordPress plugins work great for reducing time in posting content to your websites. Plus they have free themes that are AdSense friendly, meaning they will take your AdSense code, and plug it into every post you make. The best way to get more AdSense clicks would be to have your ads placed at the top of each article in 250 by 300 dimension. You can even place the same sized ads in between paragraphs.

After you setup any website, try doing at least one Squidoo lens for each site, and if you can try and to a Squidoo page for every page on each of your websites. The reason behind doing this is, because if you want to gain high quality backlinks you have to start with someone that will easily place them on your website. Squidoo doesnt require an approval process for placing backlinks on a lens. You can even place AdSense code into your Squidoo lens.

Twitter can be using to point to Squidoo lens, after you post a lens you can inform your friends, or list that you have of emails to readers of your blog. Twitter only allows 156 characters for each post, which isn't much but if you start doing this with interesting articles then you may find yourself with a nice list of subscribers.

So its all about getting return traffic visitors to your website, and eventually this will equate to more AdSense Earnings, and you get paid more money per page.

Google AdSense Income - The Three Keys

Many people put together numerous (even hundreds) of niche websites to make Google AdSense income. You may have heard that a good target is earning $1/day from each web site, and you may have wondered if this is possible. Yes, it is, if you understand the three keys to Google AdSense income: click-through rate, earnings per click, and traffic.

You can improve the AdSense click-through rate by modifying your web site design. Observe which changes increase or decrease the AdSense click-through rate. It may sound funny, but you want a site that is good enough it gets indexed by search engines and attracts visitors, but that's incomplete enough so that people want to leave in search of something more. And you want all of the obvious exit links to be AdSense ad links that seem to offer people what they are looking for.

Earnings per click depend on getting the content on a page (especially targeted keywords) to trigger AdSense ads that many advertisers are bidding on. One keyword might only make you $0.05 per click. Another keyword might make you several dollars per click. You want to target your page content around keywords that have many advertisers competing.

This is actually the opposite of what you want for search engine optimization. In general, you will be able to rank higher in the search engines for keywords with less competition. So how do you do this without destroying your search engine rankings? The secret is called "long tail" keywords.

Long tail keywords are longer keyword phrases that have searches yet have little competition in the search engine results. Be sure the phrases contain keywords that have high advertising competition. Google makes their money from advertising, so they will display the highest price ads that match the content on the page. But since you made sure you have one of the few pages targeted for the long-tail keyword phrase, you should also be able to rank well in the search engine results for the long tail phrase.

Once you improve your click-through rate and your earnings per click, it's simply a matter of increasing traffic to your site. Getting traffic generally takes the most effort, in my experience. Basically, there are two ways to get traffic: You can buy advertising or you can get traffic through links and search engine results.

You could easily get traffic by buying AdWords ads. But it isn't always easy to make more income than you spend on advertising. For an AdSense site, that generally means that you cannot profitably advertise it, so you need to get it listed in the search engines and get as many links as possible with a reasonable amount of effort. The two easiest ways to achieve this currently are article marketing and social networking.

Article marketing, sometimes called "bum marketing," is pretty simple. You write one or more short articles (about 500 words or so) and submit them to article directories on the Web. You get to include an author's resource box that links to your site at the end of the article. There are even services such as iSnare or Article Marketer that will submit your article to hundreds of article directories for you.

The more articles you do for a given site, the more links and traffic you get and the higher you get in search engine results. And you can get article ideas from anywhere. For example, this article started out as a response to one of my customers about how to do this. Since it was a long response, it was logical to also turn it into an article and publish it!

In social networking, you get your link on various social networking sites. Be sure to look through each site first and see what other people are doing and fit in with the community. Social networking sites have their own community rules, and you don't want to get banned for spam.

These techniques will usually get your website indexed by the search engines within days. You will also get traffic from them, so don't just do it for links, do it for traffic also.

Now that you know the three keys to Google AdSense income, click-through rate, earnings per click, and traffic, it's time to start creating your AdSense empire!

What Every Internet Marketer Should Know on How to Make Money Online With Google AdSense

If you're not making money online from AdSense, you're doing it the wrong way. The common mistakes newbies made when they started out on AdSense is either they didn't do proper niche research, didn't setup their website properly, didn't have enough unique relevant content or didn't have enough quality traffic. After reading this article, you're on step ahead of the competition who knows next to nothing in making a good income from AdSense.

The first reason why you're not making money with AdSense is poor niche research. Some of the mistakes newbies made when doing niche research is that the often target too competitive niches, for example "credit card". Instead of aiming at the highly saturated niche, you should target the longer and more specific keywords (also known as the longtail keywords), for example "credit card application in San Fransisco". After doing niche research, you should start tweaking your website.

Another reason why you're only earning cents from AdSense is poor website setup. No, I'm not talking about your website design. It's actually far more simpler than that. To setup a perfect website, your website title should be targeting your main keyword, for example if you have site advertising your dog training school in Miami then it would make sense to set your title tag as "Miami Dog Training". The next thing you should after setting the title tag is to create enough relevant content for your site.

If you've been lurking long enough online then you should already heard the term "Quality Content Is King". This as matter of fact is true as search engines tends to rank sites with unique quality content higher. Uniqe means the content should be original and not should be taken from anywhere, but how do the search engines rates the quality of content? They do it by finding relevant keyword in the content, for example if your content is about dog, rather than spamming the word dog, you could use puppies, pooch etc.

The final missing puzzle why you're not seeing good results in AdSense, is the lack of quality traffic. How do we define quality traffic? It's based on the intention of the visitors of your site. For example, a old lady looking a knitting pattern and found your knitting site through Google versus a teenager who's just browsing around your newly found website through her Stumbleupon toolbar, who do you think is the most qualified traffic among those two? In order for your site to receive more quality traffic, try doing more SEO work on your website.

This article has shown you what could be the missing element which is limiting your AdSense income. Whether it's the poor niche research, wrong website setup, lack of unique relevant content or little to nothing quality traffic. Now that you know what 90% of the internet marketer there don't, start building website and even more money from AdSense!

Can I Really Make Money With AdSense?

With the job market the way it is, each of us is looking at every opportunity to provide additional income. Many of you have lost your job or fear losing it; some of you have just graduated and are looking for that first full-time employment opportunity. Still, others of you are looking for a summer job or some part-time work to earn extra cash.

If you search for opportunities to make money, sooner or later you will discover Google’s AdSense. There are many similar opportunities out there, but AdSense is one of the largest and best known. It is also very easy to configure and costs nothing to join. Once you start reading about AdSense you will see the Google ads on many of the web sites you frequent. More than likely you have also clicked on some of the more interesting of the ads and even purchased a product from one of the advertisers.

If you create a website or even several websites you will learn a few things. First, that when someone clicks on your ad you will actually make money! It might not seem like a lot at first, but if you can grow the number of visitors to your websites and your content draws new visitors, the amount of money you can make will grow. You will also learn that it takes a lot of hard work, patience, and persistence to produce and maintain excellent content that will keep both old and new guests coming back. You might get lucky with the right type of content and grow very quickly; most likely it will be a slow and at times painful process. If you make the commitment and put in the effort, you can expect much better results.

Here are some steps to get you started with making money with AdSense:

1. Read about it.

Visit to create an account, learn about creating ads, and understanding the program. Also search for other articles about AdSense to learn more.

2. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Trust your instincts. You will likely find numerous websites that contain books, start-up kits, article generation software, and guaranteed methods to make money from AdSense. In most cases the website selling the product is making the money, not you. If you are still tempted than try some of them, but remember you have been warned.

3. Which sites do you enjoy most?

Think of the sites you like to visit. Are they usually the same ones, or do you like to surf to find new sites on whatever topic interests you at the moment? Create a site similar to the ones you most enjoy, and make sure it is a topic you will enjoy writing fresh content for your website.

4. Which sites have made money?

There are plenty of sites that say they have make millions with a kit they sell for $29,99. Believe them only if you want. It will provide you with an estimate of the value of the website, based on the number of hits over time. You will find some websites worth hundreds or thousands of dollars, and several in the millions (Google and eBay come to mind). I have found this to be one of the best motivators, as you can see which sites are making money based on hits and which ones are not. You can also track your website from the time it doesn’t show up until its value slowly grows (or shrinks if you don’t put the time into it).

5. Start small

Start small with just AdSense, and expand your advertising as your site grows and you learn your own formula for success.

If you are going through some tough times it is a great way to focus your energy. Once you find your formula you can expand to multiple websites and increase the number of ads you host. The best part about it: you can work from home and the sky is the limit!

Make Money With Blogging and Article Writing

I spend a good part of my day writing. I write on blogs, I write articles, I write other people's articles. It is a very good way to earn a little extra cash.

Blogging is a lot more informal and is usually about a subject that someone else gives you or pays you to blog about. I enjoy blogging. I blog for kids party ideas, Wii games, musical instruments, music instruction, working from home and sports.

The more traffic the site gets the more I get paid for my blog so if my site gets a lot of flow traffic, people pay me to blog on my site about their products. It's their way of advertising. I do the same, I pay others to blog about my site. This is how you get content on your pages as well as the word out about your site.

There are full sites dedicated to finding you work to blog and write articles for them. Some of them are great, some of them aren't. For instance, I belonged to a couple of freelance sites for a while that sent me work to bid on. So I would look up the job and see that the buyer (of my serivces) wanted ten = 500 word articles and they were willing to pay fifty cents an article. Now you see, that is not a good use of my time. So I passed on them.

But if you keep hunting around and looking for sites that pay better, they are out there. Be choosy and take your time.

Same thing with article sites, some pay you well and some don't-- you will have to decide if it's worth the time or not. Only you know what you are willing to take.

Good news about most of these sites is they are legitimate and you can make some money with them. You won't get rich, but it will put some money in your pocket. If you want to make significant money, see the reference box below for a different but exciting on line opportunity.

Blogs and articles serve so many purposes, some of them self-serving some of them not but they do tend to work out for those that decide that it's the line of work they are interested in.

Try it, you might like it and if making more than a couple hundred dollars a week is what your looking for, those jobs exist as well. Blogging and articles are a good start though.

Yes, You Can Really Earn Money With Google AdSense

If you want real traffic, you're going to have to earn it. Sometimes you may need a little luck as well, especially if your niche is highly competitive, but if you are persistent and consistent, you can make a nice living with Google AdSense.

Google AdSense is really great. Imagine just spending a few weeks putting together a website with decent content, and then sitting around while the money comes flowing in. Yes, you can sit back and relax while Google AdSense does all the work. Even if you have to put a lot of work into the website and advertising, the money you earn through AdSense will still be worth your time.

Even if you've never had a website before, they're not as hard to make as you think.

If you think you have what it takes to manually build your own website, you need to make sure you put up plenty of content. The more content your website has, the better. The more informative your website is, the more likely you'll receive a lot of visitors. The more visitors your website receives, the more money you'll earn. Just make sure that all the content you put up, whether it's articles, product reviews, or images, isn't stolen material. You can create unique content yourself, or hire a freelance writer to provide you with it. Make sure it's original content.

Once your website is up, running, and ready, you can then sign up for a Google AdSense account. Google will provide you with the banner code for you to insert into your website editor. This will be customized just for your website and AdSense account, so that whenever someone clicks on ad from your website, Google will know to give you the credit.

Now that you have your website and Google AdSense account ready, you'll need to begin with online marketing. There are many ways to market a website in order to bring in traffic-article marketing, forum posting, blog commenting, PPC advertising, social bookmarking, search engine optimization, etc. Different methods work for different webmasters, so you'll need to try each until you can find at least three methods that work consistently for you. Remember, you need to be these two things: persistent and consistent.

You can always pay to advertise if you have the money. Getting a link back from high PR sites is a must, especially high PR websites that have similar content as your own. Even if you can only afford to buy one banner advertising spot from one high PR site, it will be a wise investment. Not only will your website get a lot of visitors from that, but it will help with your own ranking as well.

Here's one warning, though: don't buy bulk traffic. I'm sure you've seen the "10,000 hits for $5!" type offers. Don't fall for them. Unless that company can prove to you that you'll be receiving real, legitimate visitors and not "bots," then don't fall for it. Google AdSense will penalize your account if they catch a lot of bot traffic coming to your website. Since it wouldn't be real human visitors coming to your website, you won't receive any clicks on your Google ads anyway. So not only will it be a waste of your time and money, your website may become penalized as well.

If you want real traffic, you're going to have to earn it. Sometimes you may need a little luck as well, especially if your niche is highly competitive, but if you are persistent and consistent, you can make a nice living with Google AdSense.

How Can You Make Money With AdSense?

Google operates AdSense. This is a mode of advertising and has become quite famous on the World Wide Web. With this process, you would facilitate Google to place ads on your website for them as well as other businesses. This will not cost you anything. However, for the space these advertisements take on your website, you can earn a lot of money every time a visitor clicks a link from an ad on your site. This is an excellent way to make extra income. The amount of money you generate depends on the number of ads you place on your website. It also depends on the amount of traffic visiting your website.

Now, you may feel that it is very easy. In fact, this is an effective method for many businesses to win exposure in varied locations on the World Wide Web. The method also facilitates business to reduce expenses on placing ads as they only require to pay only when a consumer gets a link from a website. Other common types of advertising use a fixed amount irrespective of whether consumers see it or not. AdSense is an excellent method for new businesses with very low advertising budget. The more traffic they are successful in directing to their site, the more profits they can make. This also facilitates them to advertise as much as they want.

AdSense can prove to be a win-win situation for businesses, consumers and advertisers. Businesses use the AdSense to benefit from affordable way to advertising. Website owners tend to utilize it as a way to earn more revenue for website owners. Consumers tend to utilize it as a medium to find out a lot of products and services they want. Google tends to use it as a way to generate more revenue. The matter is that you can easily find it on many websites just via surfing across the World Wide Web.

Google possess a fantastic system that determines the best of ads to be placed on your site. The AdSense will place ads relevant to your services or products.

However, they will also make sure that the ads do not relate to your competitors directly. Google can easily determine various market trends and demands by the customer. It thereafter determines the best of ads for your site based on collected data after analyzing the customer demands and market trends carefully. This indicates that you possess best opportunities to earn money. A good amount of research has already gone into determining what consumers are actually looking for.

There are several areas on your website where you can easily place AdSense ads. These include blogs, homepage, emails and many other areas you need to utilize. You don't need to sell services or products in order to retrieve benefits from AdSense. You may also have an information or education based website and use it for AdSense. All you require to do is to make sure that the ads are relevant to the type of site you operate on the internet.

The whole process of AdSense sign up is very easy. Once you have signed up, you can start earning money instantly. All you require to do is to visit the website You require to fill out some basic information and within the time period of two days, you would get response informing you whether or not your application have been approved. In case, you are not accepted, you would require to contact them in order to receive a proper and detailed reason of disapproval. Some reasons include personal websites that are not subjective and possessing a website that does not have a minimum of fifteen pages.

As soon as your application gets accepted, you would require to copy and page an HTML code into the pages you are keen on displaying ads on. You can also opt to displaying ads horizontally or vertically on your website. You can also customize the colors in order to match them perfectly to your website. The best part is that customer service and online help is available 24x7 in case you have any issues or queries.

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